Calendars and Letter Went Home Nov. 12th

I have sent the calendar for December and January for the jump rope club home with your jumper. We are now switching to the performance part of the year. If your jumper is not interested in performing, they do not need to come to jump rope club any longer. From now until February, we will be focusing on putting our performance together and practicing for our performances. If your jumper is hesitant about performing, I would encourage them to come and find out what we do for performances. I really think that the performances are the fruits of their labors and they will truly enjoy the performances. We have many jumpers performing the skills all together, so no one is out there on their own. We will try to get as many jumpers as we can on the floor for each trick. Obviously, the more difficult tricks will be performed by the older jumpers and the easier ones will be done by the younger jumpers. We fill in the tricks with as many jumpers as we can.
The performances that I have scheduled and confirmed so far are:

Jan. 22nd -  Performance for the 2nd and 3rd graders’ parents in the Woodcrest gym – 8:00 am
(Jumpers will need to be ready at 7:45 am)

Jan. 25th - Performance at the halftime of the Dow High Girls basketball game – details will come out in January

Feb. 2nd - Performance at the halftime of the Dow High Boys basketball game – details will come out in January

Feb. 11th - Performance for the 4th and 5th graders’ parents in the Woodcrest gym – 8:00 am
(Jumpers will need to be ready at 7:45 am)

Feb. 12th or 13th - Performance at the Dow Corning Tennis Classic Women’s tennis tournament – as soon as I have a confirmed date and time, I will send that on to you. They want us to perform. They just have not decided when they would like us to perform.

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to call me or e-mail me.